The Challenge
The project included the construction of a 220 MGD stormwater pump station complete in place. Work performed included all excavation and backfilling; masonry; concrete and reinforcing steel; outlet pipe section (72-inch) and dissipater structure; pumps and controls; natural gas engine drives; hatches; plumbing work; and electrical and mechanical work.
Construction of 4.83 miles of a 6-lane new urban divided freeway with three traffic interchanges and 11 new bridges. The project was located in the City of Mesa and within a flood control zone parallel to the Central Arizona Project Canal. The proximity of the canal system, coupled with the project being constructed within a flood zone, created a unique situation that involved the cooperation of an extensive number of agencies.
In addition, three major arterial roadways crossed the new freeway/canal alignment and two of these were constructed with roundabouts. At the time construction began, it was the largest freeway project in the history of the State of Arizona.
An innovative approach to the cross street construction and the team’s emphasis on earthwork production helped to reduce the overall construction duration. Pulice provided ADOT significant savings through value engineering solutions.
Together, from project development through construction, the Team successfully worked across multiple agencies and stakeholders in executing this unique and innovative project. Design, environmental clearances, and construction were delivered on time, and ahead of schedule. The Red Mountain Freeway (SR 202L), Power Road – University Drive Team won the 2008 ADOT Transportation Partnering Excellence Award, the 2008 AGC Build Arizona Award, and special recognition for the Marvin M. Black Award in 2009.