The Challenge
The work will rehabilitate both bridges, which includes removing and replacing the existing bridge decks. The bridge decks are the top surface of the bridge that vehicles drive on.
The work consists of rehabilitating the Two Guns and Meteor Crater bridges. This includes removing the existing bridge deck, barriers, approach slabs, approach guardrails, bearing assemblies and constructing a new bridge deck with barriers and new approach slabs, installing new compression seal joints, spot painting of the steel girders, replacement of the abutment bearings, concrete repairs (Two Guns bridge only) of the abutment cap, partial replacement of the abutment backwalls, roadway embankment modifications and installing new approach guardrail to meet federal standards.
An innovative approach to cross street construction and the team’s emphasis on earthwork production helped to reduce the overall construction duration. Pulice provided ADOT significant savings through value engineering solutions.