Pulice’s safety program is built on 100% employee involvement and commitment to excellence in safety. The Company strives for zero-job related injuries/illnesses. Our management team is fully committed to performing work safely and accident-free. In order to accomplish these goals, we have developed an aggressive safety program that includes safety policies and procedures that meet, or in most cases exceed OSHA standards. Employees are trained to plan and work safely, recognize unsafe conditions or acts, and initiate corrective actions. As a result, our OSHA Incident Rate five-year average is far below the industry standard.
Pulice has been recognized for its safety efforts, including the Arizona Transportation Builders Association (ATB) Ben Patton Luster Safety Award, received in both 2016 and 2014.
Open and honest communication is the key behind the SEE, ACT, SHARE awareness campaign. Employees will never face negative consequences from reporting safety concerns. On the contrary, employees who report Near Misses, Good Catches, or Safety Suggestions shall have their names entered into a raffle to win a prize. If for any reason an employee does not wish to be entered into the raffle, they can still report any safety issue anonymously to the Safety Department. Please Stand4Safety by adhering to the See, Act, Share concept so we can all go home safely at the end of each day.
Our Safety, Health and Environmental Management System (SHEMS) provides us with the above tools to help us Continually Improve our EH&S performance. The SEE -ACT- SHARE initiative is an easy way to remind us that these tools are vital to the well-being of our workforce and therefore the success of our company. So if you SEE something, be sure to ACT to correct it and then SHARE what you learned so we can all improve!
Good Catch Reporting: A Good Catch is an identification (SEE) and mitigation (ACT) of a hazard before an incident occurs. When a Good Catch is reported to a supervisor or the Safety Department, it allows Pulice to SHARE an important lesson and help prevent the unsafe condition from happening again.
Near Miss Reporting: A Near Miss is when there is an incident but no one is hurt and there is no property damage. Reporting Near Misses allows Pulice to investigate why/how the near-miss happened and to figure out how to prevent it from happening again. Pulice then SHARES the finding with our teammates, crews, and sister companies.
Stop Work Responsibility: Stop Work Responsibility is an improvement on Stop Work Authority. It states you can stop work without fear of retaliation from management. Stop Work Responsibility takes this one step further by stating that stopping unsafe work is a responsibility that must be exercised. Stop Work Responsibility is enforced by management and is intended to increase Good Catch reports and prevent incidents.
PMT Site Safety Inspections (SSIs): SSIs are designed so that management can SEE potential safety issues in the field and ACT to mitigate them before they lead to incidents. All members of the PMT are responsible to conduct Jobsite inspections on a regular basis and document them at least once per week. By documenting inspections, Pulice SHARES with the team what was learned.
Safety Suggestion: A Safety Suggestion is coming up with a great idea that could improve our overall safety program. The Pulice Safety program belongs to the workers, not the management. Improving the program makes the job that much safer! All employees that submit safety suggestions shall have their name entered into a raffle to win a prize.
Lessons Learned: A Lesson Learned is anything learned regarding Safety in the course of work. In all cases, Lessons Learned should be shared with teammates. Lessons can be shared during DRA’s, Toolbox Talks, Craft Safety Committee Meetings, Mass Safety Meetings, or reported to the Safety Department. Often lessons are learned as a result of Near Miss Reporting, Good Catch Reporting, and Incident Investigations.
Pulice has been recognized for its safety efforts, including the Arizona Transportation Builders Association (ATB) Ben Patton Luster Safety Award, received in both 2016 and 2014.
Our Safety, Health and Environmental Management System (SHEMS) provides us with the above tools to help us Continually Improve our EH&S performance. The SEE -ACT- SHARE initiative is an easy way to remind us that these tools are vital to the well-being of our workforce and therefore the success of our company. So if you SEE something, be sure to ACT to correct it and then SHARE what you learned so we can all improve!
Good Catch Reporting: A Good Catch is an identification (SEE) and mitigation (ACT) of a hazard before an incident occurs. When a Good Catch is reported to a supervisor or the Safety Department, it allows Pulice to SHARE an important lesson and help prevent the unsafe condition from happening again.

ISO 45001 is the standard for management systems of occupational health and safety. Northern Parkway was selected as one of our ISO 45001 pilot projects. The team worked in conjunction with our safety department to put all the necessary systems in place to meet the rigorous standards. The project went through an interim audit in the summer of 2019 and achieved the ISO 45001 certification from an independent auditor in the fall of 2019.
Pulice Construction Inc. is aware of and committed to responding to the potential safety, health and environmental impacts resulting from its operations and activities. In keeping with Pulice Construction Inc. policies, which are incorporated herein by reference, Pulice Construction Inc. management will implement a Safety, Health and Environmental Management System to address these potential impacts and to carry out operations and activities in a manner that protects and safeguards human health and the environment.
This management system is designed to make safety, health and environmental care an integral part of all projects and the responsibility of all employees. It allocates appropriate resources and provides the training necessary to ensure the achievement of safety, health and environmental objectives. Senior Management at Pulice Construction Inc. is committed to keeping this system active and effective and to continuously improve it as a framework to achieve the following results:
Regulatory Compliance
We will evaluate and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations at each location where we conduct business.
Prevention of Accidents
We will strive to identify and assess risk in all of our activities and take actions to mitigate any high-risk conditions.
Prevention of Pollution
We will seek to cost-effectively avoid the creation of pollution and waste from our projects and operations and to manage waste through safe and responsible methods.
We will strive to reduce our consumption of natural resources through cost-effective use of recycled and reused materials and conservation of energy and water.
Emissions and Effluents
We will work to diminish our emissions and effluents by employing proven cost-effective operational controls, by diligently monitoring operational indicators, and by implementing corrective and preventive action where necessary.
Ecology and Habitat
We will protect habitats, wetlands and other sensitive ecological resources in accordance with applicable regulations and local ordinances.
Hazardous and Toxic Substances
We will exercise caution when using hazardous materials and avoid the use of toxic substances if unable to properly assess their human, ecological or environmental risks.
We will communicate this policy to all employees, make it available to the public, and establish procedures to receive and respond to inquiries from the workforce and external interested parties. We will also alert potentially affected individuals and authorities of any safety, health, or environmental incident(s) in a timely and effective manner. Thorough investigations will be conducted and corrective and preventive actions implemented and monitored.
Every year, Top Management, in collaboration with the SHEMS team, will analyze the status of the system and establish objectives that will be reviewed periodically during the year.
“We have to lead by example. Everyone needs to feel empowered to stop a situation. Stop a crew. Don’t be afraid because you will make a difference. We need to make people feel comfortable about reporting situations because they are our eyes and our ears.”

Jeff Eager